Approximately 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours in length featuring traditional spirituals to contemporary praise & worship, a powerful biblically-based and practically-laced message as well as other sensory components depending upon the liturgical season or special focus in the life of the church.
Sunday School is available every week beginning at 10:45 AM for all children and lasts one hour. At the conclusion they are brought to the sanctuary to be part of the preaching moment and final portion of worship. However, every 3rd Sunday, the worship experience is led by and geared toward our children. The day concluded with a special themed event with food and lots of activities that kids enjoy!
Every 1st Sunday, we gather together as the Body of Christ to remember how Jesus in his sacrificial act of love extended to all of Creation gathered with His disciples for a final meal prior to laying down his life that we might have life more abundantly. We celebrate an open table in the United Methodist Church, which means that all are welcome to participate!
We are always excited to welcome believers into the family of God. Through Baptism, we are cleansed from our lives of sin and become part of the community of all believers. It is God's gift given freely to us and we make it available to all following a time of conversation about what it means and once a time has been selected that family and friends can be present to witness this joyous occasion in your life!