Sharon Grant
Unified Board Chairperson
What is the Unified Board?
The Unified Board evaluates and makes decisions that impact the deployment of resources that enable the church to achieve its mission. This work will help improve the ability of those on the front lines of ministry to more faithfully fulfill their purpose.
Who comprises the Unified Board?
The Unified Board includes the Pastor, a Board Chair, a Board Secretary, the Lay Leader, the Lay Member to the Annual Conference, Chairpersons of the Operational Teams (Finance, Staff-Parish Relations and Trustees) or their designee, Focus Area Coordinators and Programming Directors.
When does the Unified Board meet?
While the Unified Board is still in its developmental period, they will convene monthly meetings of the 2ndWednesday of every month from 7-8:30 PM.
Are the meetings open to congregation at-large?
Yes, all meetings of the Unified Board are open to members of the faith community to attend and witness how the Unified Board conducts its business. Members do not have a vote at Unified Board meetings or voice unless they have business before the board.
How are items brought before the Unified Board?
Members of the faith community may present business to the Unified Board through the use of the Unified Board Worksheet, which can be located in the Church Office or below. Upon receipt of a completed Unified Board Worksheet, the Board Facilitator will review and forward to the appropriate areas for recommendations. Once all necessary recommendations are received from respective operational or ministry areas, the item will be added to the agenda for the upcoming meeting and the submitting entity will be invited to the meeting to speak on the item presented.
How are items decided the Unified Board?
Members of the Unified Board receive recommendations from the respective areas on business submitted before the Board and are able to engage in a time of discussion about why or why not a particular item presented lives into the mission and vision of the church. The submitting entity is also given an opportunity to speak and answer questions from the Unified Board prior to a vote being taken on a matter. A majority of persons present in favor or against said vote is enough to either approve or disapprove an item before the board up for consideration.
When are items brought before the congregation as a whole?
The Union Forum is the entire membership of the church. This body will still meet quarterly on the 3rd Wednesday of January, April, July and October respectively.
Every member of our faith community is part of the Union Forum. The purpose of this body and its gathering is to provide members with an opportunity to ask questions and share concerns or ideas regarding the life of the church.
On the Sunday prior to the Quarterly Forum, members will receive an updated report of the work of the Unified Board. This will give members an opportunity to review progress made on action items, assess our financial standing and vet new endeavors in relationship to our church's mission prior to the meeting. between At the meeting, members may address any issues they feel the board has not adequately cared for.
While the power to move business matters forward has been granted to the Unified Board by the Union Forum, members of the forum have the power to either affirm or reject the work of the board. A rejection of the boards work tables a business matter from moving forward until the board address the issues the forum requests the board take into consideration.
Have an item of concern you would like to see the Unified Board address? Whether it is a proposal to repurpose space in our building or a request for funds to embark upon a new ministry endeavor in our surrounding community...this form gets the ball rolling. Simply click the link below to being the process.