She was not in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was in her home having completed an honest days work saving the lives of others when a her life was taken from her at the age of 26. She had just begun to start to live and she will now never know everything that life had to offer her or even bigger...what she had to offer life.
It has been 129 days, 3096 hours, 185760 since Breonna Taylor was murdered. And while the answers that have been provided as to why still prove to be inadequate and unacceptable at best, what is even more disturbing, unsettling and down right troubling is the fact that we are clear as to exactly who ended her life and nothing has been done to bring justice on her behalf. Nothing has been done to show her grieving family, her broken community, this torn nation or this troubled world that her life mattered.
The rallying calls have gone out. I spoken her name out loud, shared her pictured, marched and sang songs invoking her spirit, and been part of the collective that has demanded and will continue to demand justice for this young woman who while special and having her own depth of sacred worth in the earth is still a representation of the lack of respect that is shown to black bodies, in particular that of the black woman, whom Malcolm X deemed as the most, "unprotected" person in America nearly 60 years ago. Sadly nothing has changed.
Thus, we are called to continue to keep watch, continue to stay on the way and continue to cry out for JUSTICE. Perhaps, there is a misconception about our role as followers of Christ in the pursuit of justice. Let's be clear, it's part of the job.
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? - Micah 6:8
It's spelled out as clear as day. Any believer not losing sleep over the fact that those killed this young woman are sleeping safe and sound in their beds--the very security they snatched from her, then they have missed the true call to discipleship. Our walk with Christ calls us not to simply acknowledge when something is wrong, but to actively work to make it right. Our walk with Christ calls us not only to be nice in our treatment of others when we are in public, but to intentionally strive to make our private thoughts and feelings like up with our actions on display before the world. Our walk with Christ calls us not only say you are a Christian, but to let your approach to life in your interactions with others humans be so clearly evident that you never have to state your faith convictions, but it is boldly apparent to all who come in contact with you.
While the calendar is still turning, while the clock is still ticking, I implore you remember what the Lord said is "good" and be about the business of helping to bring more good into the world, because the fact that it is taking this long shows that their is clearly a shortage.