THE master's bouquet

flower circle

The Flower Circle

The Flower Circle is a long-standing organization of the church with the purpose of using Christian unity and the Spirit of God to provide the church altar with live floral arrangements each Sunday morning. The membership is open to anyone in the Church family –men or women- who are willing to give his/her time or talent to aid the organization in performing its tasks.

The meetings are held for one hour on the 2nd Sunday of the month immediately following the Worship Service. Members of our congregation are encouraged to join this organization.

Organized at the old Whatcoat Church in 1936 to provide fresh flowers and financial assistance when possible, over the years, the organization has not only made contributions for the beautification of the altar, including altar vases, but also to fundraising efforts that have benefit various aspects of church life.

Some 84 years later, Flower Circle members and many church members continue to regularly donate pennies to the "Penny Drive", as suggested by the late Naomi Hardy, to assure funds to sustain our commitment to the church. Pennies are also donated by families and friends of our

The Flower Circle carries on a noteworthy tradition of purchasing the Bibles that are presented at funerals to bereaved families of Union members who pass on. As one of our longstanding members, Natalie Bundy often reminds families:

These flowers are so beautiful, but they will one day die. Yet, there is one thing that will not...the Word of our God will last forever.